Your truck signage is vital for safety and compliance
Good signage is vital so that you get from A to B without any drama. With clear and quality signage your rig will be compliant and safe so that you arrive on time, hassle free. Heavy Load, dangerous goods, wide load, we have them all, just call and let us know the type and size you need.
If you look over our signage information you will see a wide selection chart covering common types. If you are not sure we have what you need just ask. If we don’t have it we can get it for you, and fast too. With 26+ years in the industry we know where to get great products to get you back on the road in a hurry.
Our stock
SIGN 2 Rear Marker Metal
SIGN 4 Rear Marker Sticker “DO NOT OVERTAKE TURNING VEHICLE” 400×400
SIGN 1 Rear Marker Metal
SIGN 3 Rear Marker Sticker Plain 400×400
SIGN 5 “DNOTV” 2 Piece Sticker 800×75
SIGN 6 “DNOTV” Alum 300×100 Class 1
SIGN 7 Striped Marker 750×215 Metal Pair
SIGN 9 Striped Marker 750×215 Sticker RHS
SIGN 8 Striped Marker 750×215 Sticker LHS
SIGN 10 Striped Marker 1070×150 Metal Pair
SIGN 11 StripedMarker 1070×150 Sticker LHS
SIGN 12 Striped Marker 1070×150 Sticker RHS
SIGN 13 Road Train Metal
SIGN 31 Road Train Banner 1200×300
SIGN 14 Road Train Metal
SIGN 32 Road Train Sticker 600×300 2 Piece
SIGN 14-1 Holder for Road Train 2 piece
SIGN 15 Long Vehicle 1200×300 Metal
SIGN 16 Oversize Metal
SIGN 18 Oversize Fabric 1200×450
SIGN 17 Oversize 2 Piece Metal 1200×450
SIGN 19 Oversize Load Ahead Double Sided
SIGN 20 Striped Marker 400×100 Class 1 LHS
SIGN 21 Striped Marker 400×100 Class1 RHS
SIGN 22 Striped Marker 600×150 Class 1 LHS
SIGN 23 Striped Marker 600×150 Class 1 RHS
SIGN 25 LHS Class 1 800×100
SIGN 26 RHS Class 1 800×100
SIGN 27 Center Class1 800×100
SIGN 24 Holder Dangerous Goods Signs
SIGN 29 Cabpack Dangerous Goods
SIGN 28 EPG Holder
SIGN 30 Flip Over Kit Dangerous Goods Signs
SIGN 33 Rear Marker 300×300 Class 1
Signs are there for a reason so stay safe and call Tony’s Truck Parts Townsville. Call now on 0747793822.